n222=/warp /me takes Helm and starts engins to warp to $$?="where" at warp speed $$?="what??"
n223=/cloak /say CLOAK NOW!!!!! | /me 's ship moves to miss the last shot and cloaks quickly
n224=/torp /me takes tac and moves the front of the ship to face $$1 's ship hard | /say I cant do this, it must be bugged | /me blushes
n225=/phasers /say fire PHASERS Full Power!!! | /me moves ship in to range and fires at $$1 's ship with phasers missing them barely | /say TAC: demotion mean anything to you???
n227=/battack /me blocks $$1's futile and hopeless attack!
n228=/glare /me glares sharply at $$1 !
n229=/punch /me punches $$1 sharply in the nose!
n230=/shoot /me blows $$1 away with a double barrel shotgun!
n231=/grenade /me takes out a grenade ... pulls the pin ... 4 ... 3 ..2 ... tosses it at $$1! | /say Damn...what a BLAST!!!
n232=/hang /me puts a tight rope around $$1's neck and opens the channel trapdoor! | /say hung!!!
n233=/Cast /me casts a magical spell of $$?2="What kind of spell?" upon $$1!
n234=/sword /say Want to bring this bak in tyme?? | /me gets on his armor and ulls out his Version 5.83 Dark Dragon Sword | /say you asked fer it | /me hits $$1 with the sword in their $$?="where did you hit um??"
n235=/monster /say arugh, you are beetin me | /me falls to the ground | /me turns in to a Huge monster with 300 teeth and a large tail!!! | /me growls
n236=/engage /say Engage Mr. $$1
n237=/keg /me jumps up, and does a 45 second kegstand | /wait | /say BURP!!!
n238=/weed /me fires up a bowl and gets high like a mofo
n239=/pot /me fires up a shorty and passes it on
n240=/flip /me flips $1 the middle finger | /wait | /say FUCK YOU $1 !!!!
n286=/laugh /me falls and rolls on the floor laughing...|-)=) | /say Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
n287=/laugh2 /me falls off the chair laughing...|-)=) | /say Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
n288=/fart /me lets out a long rip roaring fart. | /say blurp...thip thip thip...blurp | /say ahhhhhhhhhh....much better... | /say Run for your lifes!!! ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww